What is Taekkyon?

Taekkyon (or also Taekyun, Taekkyeon, Taekgyeon...) is an original Korean martial art. Taekkyon has relaxed rhythmic movements with an arsenal of techniques containing kicks, throws, sweeps, attacks and blocks especially with open hands.

The first written mentions about Taekkyon are from the 17th century. In the 19th century this fighting game was very popular among villagers and in the cities, regular tournaments were held during the holiday seasons. This style of combat was never codified before the Japanese occupation of Korea. During the occupation, with Japanese efforts of annihilating Korean culture, Taekkyon was completely forbidden. It was transferred to modern times thanks to the effort of master SONG Duck-Ki (1893 – 1987), who taught Taekkyon. Thus, this Korean martial art, with a typical dancing movement, was transferred to the present day.

On June 1st, 1983, Taekkyon was appointed an important Intangible Cultural Landmark of Korea, number 76 and in November 2011, it was registered by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.


start of the new school year
September 7, 2023

Dear students,

All training sessions are slowly getting underway this school year. You can see the current status of all training sessions on our website. Please note the slight changes in times. So don''t delay and see you at the trainings soon!

Your master and the team of teachers and assistants !

author: Martin Zámečník
There is no equivalent for english. Czech text: Letní tréninky
June 14, 2023
There is no equivalent for english. Czech text:

Rozpis letních tréninků naleznete na hlavní stránce v části Tréninky.

author: Vladimír Laš
There is no equivalent for english. Czech text: zrušení tréninků
May 2, 2023
There is no equivalent for english. Czech text:

Z důvodu soustředění STM odpadají všechny středeční tréninky na Campanusu a ve čtvrtek bude trénink zkrácen do 19:55. Připomínám, že o prodlouženém víkendu tréninky také odpadají, jak již bylo oznámeno dříve.

author: Martin Zámečník
There is no equivalent for english. Czech text: Zrušení čtvrtečního tréninku
March 30, 2022
There is no equivalent for english. Czech text:

Ve čtvrtek 31.3. odpadá trénink hopae a taekkyon kvůli cestě na ME do Chorvatska.

author: Martin Zámečník
There is no equivalent for english. Czech text: Tréninky o prázdninách a Velkém podzimním soustředění
October 21, 2021
There is no equivalent for english. Czech text:


v průběhu Velkého podzimního soustředění a prázdnin (od pátku 22. do neděle 31.10.) odpadají všechny tréninky, pokud učitel neoznámí jinak. Pokud si chcete intenzivně zacvičit a třeba na konci zvládnout zkoušky, rádi vás uvidíme na soustředění.

author: Vladimír Laš

Taekkyon in the Czech Republic

The history of Taekkyon in the Czech Republic began from February 2013, when Martin Zámečník, master of Taekwon-do ITF, on his way to better understanding of Korean martial arts traveled on a weekly stay in Paris and every day he attended trainings of Taekkyon with master Jean-Sebastian Bressy, who Taekkyon learned during his several years stay in Seoul. Except of a small group in Germany, this was practically the only way to get acquainted with this martial art that has given original base of Taekwon-do in Europe.

Since then Martin Zámečník attended France every year for training purposes several times a year and soon the master Bressy began to visit the Czech Republic regularly and to teach Taekkyon at the camps and events of Taekwon-Do school GBHS.

The next year 2014 Martin Zámečník for the first time visited Seoul for the purpose of intensive training of Taekkyon and visiting the monuments and schools associated with Taekwon-do. During the annual training stays he practiced three basic styles of Taekkyon (Taekkyun...) – Taehan, Kyulun and Widae, in which he also gained the first „Dans“ (analogy of black belts in other martial arts).

In 2018, the Czech Association of Taekkyon was formed and the regular trainings, seminars and exams were started.


We are opening up to three lessons per week at elementary school Campanus. On the basis of your interest we will open other groups outside of Prague.

Taekkyon you will also be able to practise at selected camps of School TKD ITF GBHS.

  • Monday 6:30 – 8:00 - ZŠ Campanus, Praha 11
  • Tuesday 11:30 – 12:30 - Beroun (by prior arrangement only)
  • Tuesday 12:45 – 13:45 - ZŠ Campanus, Praha 11
  • Thursday 16:45 – 17:45 - ZŠ Campanus, Praha 11 (by prior arrangement only)

Trainings and examinations are only for members. Perhaps one training to try. Except for the first exam, exams must be carried out exclusively in tk uniform.


Tution-fee are required for participation in regular trainings, trainings at GBHS camps, special weekends and exams. Tuition-fee must be paid for each month of teaching started, regardless of how often you go or do not go to training. The first training is a trial. To sign up to study taekkyon, fill out the online application form. You can finish your studies by excluding, dying, or completing a cancellation form.

The annual tuition fee is for the period August to July of the following year. Half-yearly are August - January and February - July.

Teachers and assistants have a 100% discount. The second member of the family has a discount of 25%, the third member 50%, the fourth member 75%, the fifth and each additional member 100%. One family is defined as 2 parents and children living in the same household.

A new member pays 1500 CZK in the semester in which he/she first comes to the training. Newcomers in January and July can pay this fee in the next semester.

By paying a lifetime membership, you get the opportunity to register for free in all other martial arts offered by our school and receive a 20% discount on renting our center in Beztahov.

A member paying an annual or semi-annual membership receives a 10% discount on renting our center at Beztahov.

It is possible to pay at the trainings in cash to the teacher or to an account with the name for whom and what you pay for in the note. For example, "Jan Žižka tuition taekkyon".

Account number : 2001870779
Bank code : 2010
Newcommer Annual fee Semestral fee Keeping membership Lifetime membership
1 500 CZK 4 800 CZK 2 700 CZK 1 500 CZK 99 999 CZK


Martin Zámečník
+420 603 302 739

Demo video